I Asked Out a Woman I Liked to a Restaurant but Blocked Her Right after Our Date

A 28-year-old man decided when the COVID-19 pandemic had somewhat diminished in his area that he would try dating apps to meet women. However, he only met these women once they talked for two or three weeks. His strategy worked for him as he shared that he was cautious about dating women from dating apps.

One woman he met with was a good match until their third date. The man shared that after that date, he knew he didn’t want to be with her, so he left. However, his roommate told him he was wrong for leaving the way he did, even though she agreed the woman behaved terribly.

A person using a dating app on a smart phone | Source: Getty Images

A person using a dating app on a smart phone | Source: Getty Images

How Did the First Two Dates Go?

After talking to one woman for a few weeks, the man decided to set up their first date. For their first date, they went out and had coffee together. The man said they got along well and everything was going great.

A couple on a coffee date | Source: Getty Images

A couple on a coffee date | Source: Getty Images

Because their first date was a success, the pair set up their second date, on which they planned to meet up and get a few drinks. Their second date went just as well as their first date, and the pair set up a third date.

Their third date was set to be at a casual and affordable restaurant where they could sit outside. As the man waited for the woman to arrive, he had no idea that he would be sneaking out early.

A woman on a dinner date | Source: Getty Images

A woman on a dinner date | Source: Getty Images

What Happened on the Third Date?

The man arrived at the restaurant before his date and waited for her before he found a table. When she arrived, the woman told him she had forgotten her wallet and asked if he could pay for them. He agreed as the restaurant was affordable.

However, he soon began noticing red flags in the woman. The first thing that she did, which the man didn’t like, was being rude to the waitress. She told the waitress she had taken too long to come to the table even though it had been mere minutes.

A woman holding an empty wallet | Source:

A woman holding an empty wallet | Source:

After that, the woman ordered a beverage, and when the waitress brought it to her, she told the waitress it was not what she had asked for. The man tasted it and thought it was okay and tasted like what the woman had ordered. Nevertheless, she sent it back and got a new one.

A woman drinking from a glass | Source: Getty Images

A woman drinking from a glass | Source: Getty Images

The woman told the man she wanted to order an appetizer because she was starving. The man agreed because he enjoyed appetizers but saw another red flag when their entrees arrived.

The woman ordered the most expensive entrée on the menu and, halfway through eating it, decided it was not good enough and asked for another one. The man had then had all he could take from his date and knew he had to do something.

He got up and told his date he was going to the bathroom. Instead, he went to find their waitress. He shared:

“[I] explained that this girl sucked, and I was leaving but wanted to pay my half of the bill. I also told her that if she told my date that she has no idea where I went, that I would give her an extra $20 in addition to the tip.”

A man walking out of a restaurant | Source: Getty Images

A man walking out of a restaurant | Source: Getty Images

After he left, it took his date twenty minutes to realize something was amiss, at which point she began texting him and asking where he was. When she realized what had happened, she asked him how she would pay for her food without a wallet.

When the man got home, he blocked the woman but asked if he was wrong, considering how he had left things. His roommate told him he was wrong for sneaking out as he did. He soon got responses.

Waiter carrying dishes filled with food | Source: Getty Images

Many people agreed with the man’s roommate, saying he didn’t need to leave the way he did and could have instead told her he was not enjoying the date or how she was acting and wanted to go.

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