A Little Boy’s Wishlist For His Adoptive Parents Is Heartbreaking

A young angel from Oklahoma was beaten by his original parents, who put him up for adoption; yet, when he visited the parents who adopted him, he delivered them a letter that will make you cry…

Child abuse occurs when a parent or caregiver causes damage, death, emotional distress, or the danger of significant harm to a child, whether by action or inaction. Child maltreatment can take various forms, including neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, exploitation, and emotional abuse.

DREAMCATCHERS FOR ABUSED CHILDREN, INC. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to preventing child abuse and neglect. The organization’s goal is to “educate the public on all aspects of child abuse such as symptoms, intervention, prevention, statistics, reporting, and helping victims locate the proper resources necessary to achieve a full recovery.”

Recently, the group posted a letter written by one of the children who was molested by both of his alcoholic parents. It’s heartbreaking to witness a youngster who has never known true love and joy from his biological parents. This youngster has only ever witnessed cruelty, neglect, and famine. Some individuals are demons…

One of the neighbors noticed something dreadful occurring at a nearby house and felt sad for the little child who was inside. He made the decision to notify child protective services.

When the cops arrived, they brought the youngster to the Dreamcatchers for Abused Children group, which ensured that those horrific things never happened to the child again.

It brings tears to my eyes to see what he wrote on a piece of paper after the organization located the perfect and acceptable home for the child.

This boy’s wish is to have just ordinary stuff… Here’s what he said:

“Things I want for my family: food and water.”
Please do not hit on me.
A home with running water and electricity.
I’m looking for love.
Mom and dad never argue.
I’m not interested in drugs.
Please do not harm my dogs.
Assist with schoolwork.
Very nice, clean garments.
There are no lice. There is no insect in the home.
Clear the clutter.
Make the bed and cover it.
Please do not sell my toys.
Fair treatment.
Don’t get wasted.
The residence has a television.
Allow me to retain my school supplies.
Beautiful shoes.
My very own comb soap. Beautiful home with a safe and a heated coat.

You, who are reading this, very likely have everything that this small child desires. The lesson here is to never take anything for granted. Someone else’s wish list is your current existence.

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