6 Traits That You Can Only Inherit From Your Father

In biology class, we learned that we inherit 50% of our DNA from our mothers and 50% from our fathers. This biological fact, however, does not mean that each parent passes on an equal amount of physical characteristics and genetic characteristics to their child. In fact, children are 60% more likely to inherit active traits from their fathers simply because nature prefers to express those genes.

Bright Side has thoroughly investigated this biological phenomenon and gathered for you the 6 genes that are more likely to come from the dad’s side.

1. Height

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Are you familiar with the phrase, “he’s tall like his father”? Apparently, this statement is backed by science. The height of a person is determined by at least 700 genetic variations inherited from both parents. However, each parent’s height gene appears to work in a slightly different way. For example, the genes of the father are important in stimulating growth and therefore height.

2. Crooked teeth

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In cases where the father has poor dental health, the child is more likely to have to visit the dentist’s office more often than his peers, even if his mother has a great set of teeth. Everything from cavities to tooth decay, and all the dental issues in between, can come straight from the father’s mouth.

3. Gender

Dads are 100% responsible for the gender of their newborns. The X and Y chromosomes, commonly known as sex chromosomes, define the child’s gender. Girls inherit an X chromosome from their father, resulting in a XX genotype, and males inherit a Y chromosome from their father, resulting in an XY genotype. Because mothers only pass X chromosomes, the fathers are in total control of the gender.

4. Dimples

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In many cultures, dimples are seen as a mark of beauty and attractiveness. However, scientists describe dimples as a defect that was caused due to shortened facial muscles. Dimples are assumed to be inherited since they are a dominant genetic trait and are more commonly inherited from the father.

5. Fingerprints

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There are no 2 fingerprints exactly alike since they are a one-of-a-kind pattern. Nevertheless, a baby’s fingerprints may resemble those of their father! Fingerprint patterns are genetic traits inherited from our dads.

6. Sneezing

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Many of us know at least one person who sneezes uncontrollably when staring at the sun or other bright lights. Well, this is another genetic trait that the father is responsible for. This condition is known as Achoo syndrome and it is more likely to be passed down on the father’s side.

Who do you (or your child) resemble the most, mom or dad? More importantly, do you think mother nature is fair?

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