I Left the Bartender a 50% Tip but She Thanked Only My Husband

When a woman decided to dine with her husband at a restaurant one evening, she had no inkling of how the night would unfold. Initially, the bartender overlooked her presence, directing inquiries about the food exclusively to her husband. Subsequently, when the woman tipped the bartender, the bartender thanked only her husband.

On March 17, 2022, an anonymous female contributor turned to Reddit’s “AITA” forum to pen her story. The woman shared details about her date night with her husband, revealing that it concluded in a manner quite different from what she had anticipated.

One evening, the woman and her husband found themselves unenthusiastic about cooking, so she proposed heading to the local restaurant for a beer and a quick dinner. Her husband, who was a regular at the eatery and frequented it about once a week with a friend, agreed.

From his perspective, they never had empty glasses, and their dinners were enjoyable.

During their stay, the couple ordered dinner and a couple of beers each. The bartender, while not outright rude, seemed to overlook the woman’s presence. She directed inquiries about the food solely to the husband and only asked him if he needed a box when his plate was nearly empty, while the woman’s plate remained half full.The husband received big smiles and laughs, whereas the woman encountered a deadpan expression and a monotone demeanor. “I still answered politely even if [the bartender] didn’t technically ask me a question,” recalled the woman.

With the back of the bartender’s head positioned just ten inches from her face, the woman boldly declared, “I paid the tab, and I tipped you. You’re welcome.” Her “you’re welcome” carried a distinct and intentional tone of sarcasm. Despite the woman’s certainty that the bartender heard her, she simply walked away without ever glancing back in her direction. Following this exchange, the couple promptly left the establishment.

The woman questioned whether she was in the wrong: “AITA for telling the bartender that I paid and tipped after she only thanked my husband?”

The woman found considerable support on her Reddit account, with the majority of users declaring her “NTA.” Many commenters shared the sentiment that the bartender had been rude to OP and questioned the appropriateness of the tip. Some even suggested that the bartender may have been flirting with OP’s husband.

What are your thoughts on this narrative? Do you perceive the bartender’s conduct toward the woman as questionable, or was the latter perhaps taking things too seriously? Would you have left a tip for the bartender, amounting to approximately 50% or more of your bill, if you were treated similarly?

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