Why It’s Better to Change Clothes as Soon as You Get Home

When you finally come back home after a busy day at work, you’re often so exhausted you simply have no energy to change your clothes. You cook dinner, do the dishes, and put your kids to bed while wearing the same jeans and sweatshirt you put on in the morning. But it turns out, this habit isn’t that harmless after all, and eventually it may mess with your health and your looks.

We at Bright Side decided to take a closer look at what happens if you stay in your outside clothes all day long.

1. It’s not good for your veins.

Your favorite skinny jeans can surely make you look amazing, but if you don’t take them off when you come back home, it won’t do your health any favors. The clothes we wear when we go out are much tighter than comfy home wear, and can negatively affect your blood circulation. Restrictive clothing can slow blood flow, and if you wear it constantly it might harm your veins.

2. You can bring bacteria into your home.

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While you can’t get sick by simply staying in the same clothes all day long, there’s still a chance you might bring germs into your home that may cause various infections. Some of these bacteria include Acinetobacter that triggers respiratory infections and Staphylococcus aureus that can cause inflammation in different parts of the body and that’s resistant to many medicines.

Although doctors believe you shouldn’t be overly worried about bringing these bacteria home on your clothes, it’s still possible to get affected by them, and the best solution would be to not walk around your house in your outside clothes.

3. It may cause body acne.

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If you have annoying acne on your shoulders or back, you might want to take a closer look at the way you dress. While clothes made from synthetic fabrics may look attractive, they don’t allow your skin to breathe and they trap heat against the body, causing breakouts.

Another reason for pimples on your neck or chest might be your habit of remaining in your gym clothes once you get home. Athletic clothing is designed to make you feel good while you’re working out, but if you don’t take it off after your gym session is over, it may lead to clogged pores and blackheads.

4. It might lead to stomach issues.

Tight-fitting clothes that push into your waist may cause health problems that go way beyond discomfort. Clothes that put pressure on the abdomen can trigger various digestive issues, including acid reflux, one of the most common gut complaints. If you can’t give up your favorite skinny jeans or pencil skirt, try not to wear them on a daily basis and change into something comfy as soon as you get home.

Do you change your clothes when you come back home?

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