I’m a Dad & People Think It’s Gross I Still Kiss My 5-Year-Old Son on the Lips

OK, parents — here’s a question. How many of us kiss our kids on the lips? A lot, right? This is particularly true when they are little. It likely goes away the older they get, which is sad for some of us, but OK. So we hold onto it for as long as we can. There is nothing gross about showing our kids affection and letting them know we love them. It is totally natural.

But here comes a weird one for you. A dad who goes by @tom_leeds on TikTok shared a video of him with his darling 5-year-old son, Roman. The dad asked the little boy to kiss him, which he did, and people freaked out. Why? Good freaking question. You’re going to love this one.

It started with a video about Leeds’ eyes.

We have to admit, this dad is a handsome guy with some pretty gorgeous eyes. Some actually suspected they might be a filter. Leeds posted a video of himself and Roman, who has matching baby blues, proving it’s just good genes.

The video is precious, and the pair beam with smiles as pretty as their eyes, and Roman gives his dad a kiss. It is the sweetest.

We watched the video and saw pretty eyes and smiles, but some noticed the kiss.

Leeds posted a follow-up video to address a woman’s comment telling him not to kiss his son on the lips.

“I find it worrying that it bothers you. I will kiss my son. My 5-year-old child, on the lips for as long as I deem necessary and as long as he lets me,” Leeds explained.

“Cause I love him to bits, and he’s my best pal. And one day, he won’t want me to, and he probably won’t want much to do with me. So, for now, I’ll carry on as I am.”

He ended the video with a thumbs-up and a smile.

Guess what? TikTok loves Leeds.

Is it really that surprising that people are on board with a dad who clearly loves his son and wants to show him as much affection as he can? No, not so much.

“Well said, you’re his Dad and it’s normal affection! Enjoy your child while he’s still young and you’re still his world!” one commenter wrote.

“You go mate. I got a 4 year and i do it all the time. Like you said, you love him to bits and he loves you. Its mutual. Until he lets you. 🙏,🏽” someone else agreed.

One person had an odd comment that garnered another video reply.

Leeds posted a response to a comment that read, “don’t kiss your children on the lips fact!! Because not all humans have the right intentions do you see what I’m saying? Don’t make it acceptable!”

Uh, what? The dad was just as confused as we are with this one.

“So, the logic here is, if I kiss my 5-year-old, he will think that he can go off and it’s OK to kiss strangers, strange adults. Obviously,” Leeds laughed.

He then applied that logic to other scenarios such as not allowing Roman in the car because he might get into a stranger’s car and he can’t live in his house anymore because he might just walk into random homes.

Leeds explained that all he has to do is teach Roman that you kiss mom and dad and not random people because that’s “a bit weird.”

Seriously, what is happening here?

And no, we don’t mean a dad loving his boy. We mean the ones who think he shouldn’t. It is just sad, and many TikTokers agreed.

“Its so sweet you show you love eachother. My son is now 31 and has never been sick from a kiss on the lips. What is wrong with you people?” someone asked.

“no, any parent can love on their children, man [or] woman. it shows you love them,” another comment reads.

We think you’re doing it right, daddy. Keep on kissing that boy and reminding him that you are there for him no matter what and will always love him. There is nothing to be ashamed of or shy about. A big hug and a kiss are good for the soul. You are teaching Roman to be a compassionate and loving person. We’re here for it.

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