4 Simple Ways to Remove Blackheads by Tweaking Your Diet

Like everything, it’s probably best to naturally heal your body instead of using external things. Pore strips can remove blackheads, but they will likely leave your pores exposed to dirt and bacteria. That’s why choosing the right foods and solving this problem internally and in a healthy way may just be the way to go.

We at Bright Side gathered a list of foods that can help you kiss your blackheads goodbye, based on medical research.

1. Eat a handful of almonds.

Almonds have plenty of vitamin E, which can naturally block harmful things from affecting your skin, like pollution and bacteria. If you are worried that almonds contain a lot of fat, there is no need — they have healthy fats that can even aid in weight loss. Fats can worsen your acne, but foods like almonds may not unless they come in direct contact with your skin on the outside. Raw cashews are not safe to eat because they contain a toxic substance, and this can irritate your skin.

2. Cut out dairy from your diet.

Most people, especially children, like having cereal with milk for breakfast, but this can have a more harmful effect on your skin than you may think. Cows make milk for their own offspring to help them grow. The proteins found in cow milk release insulin, and this is known to cause skin breakouts, like blackheads. The proteins in milk can even get mixed up and confused with the natural hormones in our bodies which can again cause breakouts.

3. Eat more foods that include omega-3 fatty acids.

Omega-3 fatty acids can reduce inflammation and can help fight acne. You can simply eat foods with omega-3s alone or combine them with other healthy foods. They can also help against red, dry, and itchy skin for babies. These foods include salmon, oysters, sardines, caviar, chia seeds, soybeans, etc.

4. Take borage oil.

Even though borage oil contains an omega-6 fatty acid (which should be avoided to remove blackheads), it doesn’t cause an inflammation in the skin — it’s actually anti-inflammatory. It helps to break down the protein plug and helps reduce oxidation.

Do you have blackheads? Which method will you use to get rid of them?

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