Am I Wrong For Making My Husband Choose Between His Mother and Me After The Birth of Our Baby?

Elle gives birth to her son, Wyatt, when things get crazy. Her mother-in-law tries to take her baby and husband away from her, claiming that she is an unfit mother. So, Elle gives Levi an ultimatum — either her and their son or his mother, Sandra.

The birth of your child is the most magical time of your life. Mine wasn’t magical, but it certainly was memorable.

Here’s my birth story:

Now, a disclaimer — my mother-in-law, Sandra, hates me. She’s hated me since the day Levi introduced me to her.

Pregnant woman | Source: Pexels

Pregnant woman | Source: Pexels

Anyway, throughout my pregnancy, she hung around making me smoothies and ensuring I ate properly.

“Just listen to me, Elle,” she would say. “This baby needs to be healthy.”

Fast track to the day my son, Wyatt, was born.

I was in labor, and she didn’t let my husband stay by my side. She said he needed to sit in the waiting room with her while I was inside.

She was sitting next to the baby’s bassinet and holding his little first when I eventually came to. He was usually quiet for a newborn. When my eyes finally adjusted to the light, I noticed Levi in the room.

Newborn baby yawning | Source: Unsplash

Newborn baby yawning | Source: Unsplash

I tried to sit up, to reach out to get the baby, but Levi held his arm out.

“You better lie down again,” he said. “You just gave birth. Rest.”

Then, he handed me the newspaper that he had been reading.

“Read,” he said.

My back still ached from giving birth, so I was okay with laying still. But I was confused about being instructed to sit there.

I wanted to pick up my baby and hold him.

Then, Levi handed me a form. It was a legal form rejecting a child at birth, filled out and signed.

Legal form with signatures | Source: Unsplash

Legal form with signatures | Source: Unsplash

Dread washed over me.

“What is this?” I managed to stammer.

Levi’s eyes searched mine for a moment. He looked regretful and helpless and tried to explain, but Sandra cut him off with a triumphant, cold gaze.

The room spun. I couldn’t believe it. My husband and his mother had conspired to take my baby away. She was trying to take legal action against me — to take my baby away and to raise him as her own.

Woman in pain after birth | Source: Freepik

Woman in pain after birth | Source: Freepik

“No,” I said. Despite the postpartum pain, I found a strength I didn’t know I had. I got up, my legs dangling off the side of the bed.

“This is not happening,” I said. “You have no right to take my child away. Levi, think about this.”

My husband looked torn, but his mother was relentless.

Then, I realized that this was her plan all along. Sandra wanted to undermine me. She tried to make me look incapable of being a mother.

But I wasn’t going to let her win.

“I am his mother,” I declared, my voice steady. “And I will fight for him with everything I have.”

Woman holding a baby | Source: Pexels

Woman holding a baby | Source: Pexels

Then, my parents walked in, and we took immediate legal action — making sure that everything was done before we left the hospital. There was no way that my child was going to be separated from me.

I was grateful that the hospital’s legal team was there and helped me with the entire situation.

My mother-in-law, defeated, stepped back.

As my mother packed my belongings, ready to take Wyatt and me back to her place, I turned to my husband.

Brown duffel bag | Source: Unsplash

Brown duffel bag | Source: Unsplash

“It’s her or me,” I said, my voice steady. “You need to choose. Your son and I will be at my parents’ house. You decide.”

Then, things went south. Levi chose his mother, and I realized I couldn’t live in the shadow of a woman who saw me as an intruder in her son’s life.

Couple with divorce paperwork | Source: Pexels

Couple with divorce paperwork | Source: Pexels

Levi tried to take me for everything I had, all my assets and savings. But our prenup was iron-tight and saved me. To retaliate, Levi challenged me for custody of Wyatt, but I won that, too, because the legal action that his mother tried to take was proof that Wyatt was safer with me.

It’s a few years later, and Wyatt is growing beautifully. He’s a happy and artistic boy and loves the family he has. Sometimes, I feel bad that Levi isn’t featured in his life. But I know that my child is better off without him and Sandra.

Person signing legal document | Source: Pexels

Person signing legal document | Source: Pexels

The scar of that betrayal remains deep within me, a reminder of a time when I had to choose between my dignity and a love overshadowed by control.

But in the remnants of that pain, I find the strength of a mother who stood up for her child and herself.

Now, I’m sitting here and watching my child play with Playdough, and I know that everything that led to this moment was worth it.

Child playing with playdough | Source: Unsplash

Child playing with playdough | Source: Unsplash

But still, was I wrong in asking Levi to make a choice?

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