Mother shares a touching video of her 2-year-old daughter’s final moments—“She sang me her favorite song”

For any parent, their child’s safety is everything. Imagine the pain of seeing your child sick and feeling helpless. This is the heartbreaking story of Magalli Jimenez and her daughter, Ava Skye.

Magalli’s life was filled with joy when Ava was born. But when Ava turned 13 months old, things changed. Ava was in pain, and Magalli knew something was wrong. A visit to the doctor brought the worst news: Ava had muscle cancer. It was affecting her growth and causing her pain.

As a mom, Magalli had to be strong. She hoped the treatment plan from Ava’s cancer doctor would work. But seeing Ava go through hard chemotherapy sessions was painful. Magalli wished she could take Ava’s place.

After many chemo sessions, Ava’s cancer seemed to go away. Her family was so happy. But then, the cancer came back. In July 2022, they learned Ava’s cancer was back and harder to treat. The doctors said surgery was the only option, but it was risky because Ava was so young.

Magalli was heartbroken. She knew she didn’t have much time left with Ava. She saw Ava change from a lively toddler to one who could barely walk or talk. Magalli decided to put Ava in hospice care, to make her last days as comfortable as possible. Even though Magalli cried in private, she always smiled and laughed with Ava.

Magalli and her family wanted to make Ava’s last days special. They made a bucket list for her. Magalli’s friend, Davina Galvan, also a mom to a child with cancer, set up a fundraising page to help Magalli do everything on the list for Ava.

On August 22, 2022, little Ava passed away. Her mom held her close, sad but relieved that Ava wasn’t in pain anymore. The day before, Ava, who could barely stand, sang a song to her mom. It was about love and family. Magalli captured this moment on video and shared it online to show the world Ava’s sweet spirit.

Magalli said her heart would always be broken, but she promised to live for Ava. She reminded everyone to cherish their children, even when things get tough.

We send our deepest sympathies to Ava’s family. Let’s share Ava’s story and remember the beautiful soul she was.

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