6 Stories about Baby Names That Caused Serious Family Conflicts

Finding out that your friends and family dislike the baby name you thought long and hard about can be devastating. Here are six baby names that caused family rivalries.

Coming up with names for the baby is another exciting part of the journey. Some parents have their baby names set even before they conceive, while others wait to meet their children. But for the most part, the name is personal to the parents in many ways.

An ultrasound scan | Source: Shutterstock

An ultrasound scan | Source: Shutterstock

While parents strive to find the most sentimental and unique names, not everyone in the family will agree with them. But the disapproval of a baby’s name can stir up serious family fights. Here are six baby names that caused rivalries.

1. Warren

Warren does not sound like an out-of-the-ordinary name. The story behind why this Reddit user chose the name is sentimental, but it also caused a conflict between her and her sister.

The Redditor explained that her fiancé had always dreamed of naming his baby boy Warren, and fortunately for the couple, they were told they were expecting a baby boy. So, they started calling him Warren even before he was born.

A pregnant woman at the doctor | Source: Shutterstock

A pregnant woman at the doctor | Source: Shutterstock

The Redditor sewed personalized cute onesies and captured her fiancé holding them. Sadly, her fiancé died when she was 23 weeks pregnant, and to honor his memory, she wanted to make sure she did everything according to what they had planned.

On the other hand, the Redditor’s sister thought she was setting up her daughter for bullying by giving her boy’s name. The sister suggested changing the name to “Wren,” but the mother still felt it would be a dishonor to her child’s late father.

Her sister argued that she was selfish and cared more about her late fiancé than her daughter. Do you think the sister is right for raising her concerns, or is the mother justified for wanting to use the name despite welcoming a daughter?

2. Portabella

Another pair of sisters found themselves in a heated argument over a baby’s name. The Reddit poster revealed that her sister was expecting a baby and had been keeping the name a secret.

A pregnant woman | Source: Shutterstock

A pregnant woman | Source: Shutterstock

The sisters shared a close relationship, and regardless of their sibling fights, they always knew how deeply they loved each other. So the expecting mother caved and told her sister her baby’s name. She revealed that she would name her daughter Portabella.

The mother thought naming her child after her favorite mushroom would be cute. At first, the sister thought she was joking until she heard her saying they would call her “Bella” for short. The Redditor did not hide her thoughts about the name and told her it was weird.

Two women arguing | Source: Shutterstock

Two women arguing | Source: Shutterstock

This caused a fight between them, even after the Redditor assured her sister that she did not care what she named her daughter and was excited to become an aunt. But her initial reaction left the mother scared.

3. Hope

Hope is another meaningful name; for the Redditor, it was especially sentimental because it was her late grandmother’s name. Even before she had a baby, she planned to call her baby Hope.

A mother holding her newborn baby | Source: Shutterstock

A mother holding her newborn baby | Source: Shutterstock

She discussed this with her boyfriend and discovered that his older sister, whom he did not get along with, was also Hope. The mother explained that their child would not be named after her because the name had personal significance.

The boyfriend agreed but asked that they inform his sister, who did not like the idea of sharing a name with her niece and forbade the couple from using it. The girlfriend told her she was not asking for permission but simply informing her out of courtesy.

When the baby arrived, they shared the good news along with their baby’s name. The sister emphasized that she did not understand why they went with the name even after telling them she was uncomfortable with it.

But the Redditor did not care. She told her the name was going on her daughter’s birth certificate with or without her permission. The mother was then accused of adding strain to the sibling relationship. Is the Redditor wrong for standing her ground?

4. Eliza Grace

The reveal of a well-anticipated baby name can go either direction. This couple already had two children, an eight-year-old daughter and a five-year-old son, and were now expecting their third baby.

Friends at a babyshower | Source: Shutterstock

Friends at a babyshower | Source: Shutterstock

The mother explained that she and her husband already decided to name the baby Eliza Grace if it’s a girl and David Michael if it’s a boy. The couple wanted to keep the names a secret and only told their children, but while at a family gathering, their five-year-old spilled the beans.

However, the Redditor’s mother-in-law did not like the name Eliza Grace because a co-worker she did not get along with, had the same name.
Two women arguing | Source: Shutterstock

Two women arguing | Source: Shutterstock

The mother did not think it was a valid enough reason to change the name. But the mother-in-law said she would not speak to the couple until the baby was born and demanded an apology. Is the Redditor wrong for not choosing another name?

5. “Astor” or “Saffron”

This Redditor did not reveal her baby’s name but said it was “just an old-timey plant name” that rhymes with “Astor” or “Saffron.” It turned out her sister-in-law did not like the name and blasted it on an online forum she managed.

The mother randomly checked the forum and found out that her sister-in-law had been making fun of her child’s name, allowing many more people to say mean things about it. Seeing the negative comments hurt the Redditor, and she followed up by sending her an angry email calling her names.
A sad pregnant woman | Source: Shutterstock

A sad pregnant woman | Source: Shutterstock

But her husband told her she might have overreacted, and she started to believe him. Do you think the Redditor was wrong for sending that email?

6. Arson

A Redditor revealed that her sister was expecting her first child and was excited to share her baby’s name with the family. They went out for dinner to commemorate the occasion, and revealed that she would name their son Arson.

A frustrated pregnant woman | Source: Shutterstock

A frustrated pregnant woman | Source: Shutterstock

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