How the girl born with no upper extremities looks like now

In 2001, in one of the maternity hospitals a girl was born. She looked totally healthy, except she had a genetic disorder – she lacked both upper extremities.

Her parents decided they weren’t able to keep a child with such a disorder, so they left her in the hospital. After a while Inga was taken to an orphanage, where she didn’t stay for long.

A wonderful couple from America found out about her. When the baby turned 2 years and a half, all her documents were arranged and she moved to live in Pennsylvania with her new family. Inga’s adoptive parents wanted to make her life easier and ordered prostheses.

However, as it turned out, time had been lost and there was nothing they could do about it. The girl turned out to be a real warrior. She learned to do her make-up, eat with chopsticks and even play the cello with the help of her feet.

It is so comfortable for her to deal with every problem using her feet, that she confesses, it would’ve been much more difficult with prostheses. They would’ve complicated all her movements.

Currently the girl is studying Law in Atlanta. There she has made a lot of friends and even got a boyfriend. He is happy by her side and considers Inga a perfect girl. If this isn’t love, then what is?

Inga loves her adoptive parents and doesn’t want to know anything about her biological ones. After all, the adoptive parents were the ones to provide her with everything so that she feels a complete member of society. The girl believes she’s really a lucky person.

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