Janitor falls to his knees after coworkers raise $10k so he won’t have to walk miles to work

Beloved school janitor Robert Reed never complained when he took 3 buses and walked 2 miles just to get to work every day.

His coworkers decided to surprise him with enough money to buy a car. And his emotional reaction is what makes this inspirational short story so powerful!

Robert has been working as school janitor at Farmington Elementary School in Germantown, Tennessee. And he takes pride in what he does.

“This building was built in 1975 so it takes a lot of work. It’s a pleasure to do the job,” he says.

As if the excellent work he does on the clock wasn’t enough, the 60-year-old school janitor proved his dedication by the lengths he’d go each and every day to get to his job.

The 60-year-old was taking three buses and walking two miles to get to school on time every day because he didn’t have a vehicle of his own.

So, while he would clock out at 3 pm, most nights his commute didn’t have him home until 7 pm.

His coworkers knew about Robert’s commuting struggles. Some of them had driven him to the bus stop after school some days, while others had given him money for lunches.

The janitor had been hoping to start a yard business to supplement his income, though this was impossible without a truck.

Then, one day, coworkers decided to take their generosity one step further. One of the teachers set up a GoFundMe fundraising page for Mr. Robert.

In less than a day, the donations hit $7,000. And by the end of the donation period, the school had raised $10,000 total to help Robert Reed get his truck.Everyone gathered together to surprise their favorite school janitor with the incredible act of kindness. And his emotional reaction was truly touching!

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