What Might Happen to Your Hair If You Stop Using Shampoo

Lately, more and more people are ditching shampoos and choosing more natural ways to cleanse their hair. This beauty approach is called no-poo, and while it does take place in the bathroom, it has nothing to do with the toilet. The “poo” is a shortened version of “shampoo,” and those who use this method believe it helps them keep their hair shinier and healthier.

We at Bright Side were surprised to find out that washing your hair without shampoo has some impressive health and beauty benefits, and we decided to dive deeper into this question.

1. Your scalp will be healthier.

While your favorite shampoo can make your hair squeaky clean, having a little bit of sebum on your scalp is actually good for your mane. Your scalp produces a balanced amount of oil that keeps your hair healthy and naturally hydrated. Because shampoo is aimed to remove excess oil, overusing it can damage your hair, leaving your scalp overly dry.

2. Your hair might look fuller.

There are many products on the market that promise to make your hair look more voluminous, but going no-poo might actually help you achieve that. Using too many products can actually damage your hair and your skin, and it will take a long time to fix that. Less is definitely more when it comes to hair care, and ditching products with harsh chemicals in them might actually make your hair stronger and fuller.

3. Your hair may look less oily.

When you’re choosing a shampoo, you probably want it to successfully remove grease from your hair. But shampooing your hair too often can actually cause your locks to look even more oily. Every time you wash your hair with shampoo, it stresses out the skin on your scalp, causing it to send the signal to produce even more sebum to soothe itself.

4. You might need fewer styling products.

Despite what shampoo commercials are trying to convince us, going no-poo might actually result in better-textured hair that doesn’t need sprays and gels to look gorgeous. The sebum and oil your scalp produces are vital for your locks, and washing them might actually lead to a bad hair day. If your strands are completely stripped of natural oil, they may look dull and be more difficult to style.

5. You’ll be less exposed to unhealthy chemicals.

Your favorite shampoo surely smells amazing, but the artificial ingredients that are giving it that pleasant smell can be potentially harmful and irritating. And while these chemicals might help you get instant results, they can be damaging to your hair and skin in the long run. Sulfates found in many shampoos, for instance, can irritate your skin and dry out your scalp, and phthalates can even disrupt your hormonal balance. Instead of shampoo, opt for some safer and gentler ways to cleanse your hair, such as baking soda or coconut oil.

Do you think using shampoo is an essential step in cleansing your hair? Have you ever tried going no-poo?

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