An Artist Does Radiant Tattoos That Can Be a Gemstone on People’s Bodies

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Having a very creative and multi-sided personality, Anya is very much into all forms of fashion. While being asked about the roots of her unique jewelry tattoo style, she didn’t hesitate to mention Vogue as one of her numerous sources of inspiration.

Every tattoo that she does is actually a mixture of academic pencil drawings, her own vision of Russian fairy tales, Central Asia-inspired patterns, and even a vintage circus from Transylvania.

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Each tattoo has its own powerful meaning and value.

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The artist approaches each client very individually. Sometimes her sketch maybe just a single gemstone and for some of her clients, it’s just a beautiful piece of jewelry tattooed on their bodies.

But for others, it may be a memory of their grandmother, and they want to dedicate their gemstone tattoo to her. Some people see a gem in their dreams and now would like to have the exact tattoo, which can feel like destiny for them, according to what Anya explains in her interview.

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The artist has a special message for all people.

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When asked about what advice she would give to anyone, Anya told that it’s always good to seek help from the right people. For Anya, it was her husband, Dima, who saw how miserable she felt at her job and encouraged her to completely change her life and start a tattooing career.

The artist truly believes that the love and support of a significant other can work wonders and serve as a real gemstone, proving more valuable than anything a person could have.

What’s the tattoo style that you like the most? Would you consider getting a tattoo of your own?

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