Pair Adopts a 6-year-old Boy, Finds Him Nursing a Strange Baby in His Room the Next Day

Colleen and Ray brought home a little boy, but the next day they found him nursing a baby in his room. The couple’s life was forever changed by the shocking news that came next.

Ray raised an eyebrow as he saw Colleen make mac and cheese from a box. “You’re making mac and cheese from a box?”

“This is for Ben.” “He’s been so quiet,” Colleen said as she mixed the cheese into the pasta. “I thought he might like it.”

Ray gave her a shoulder rub. “He’s working on it. We’ve had him for a day. But this could be useful.


Ben was asked to eat. The 6-year-old boy quickly ate his food and then asked to go back to his room.


Colleen and Ray chose to talk to him because they were worried. When they went into Ben’s room, they were shocked to see him feeding a baby…

“Ben, who’s baby is that?” Colleen inquired.

“She’s my sister,” Ben said, his face tense.

“Your sister?” This made Colleen sound confused.

“No, not really. Her new home is where I used to live. “I had to stay with her,” Ben said.

Colleen suggested calling Mrs. Campbell, who is in charge of foster care, but Ben said no. “No! She can’t bring her back. They are not good people, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin, who are my foster parents!”


“What do you mean?” Colleen asked as she took the child away from him.




“They’re bad.” “She’ll be in danger,” Ben stated with fear.

Ray and Colleen looked at each other worriedly. Ben told everyone that Mr. Franklin had hurt him.

Ray gave Ben comfort. “Don’t be scared. We’re here to help.

Ben finally fell asleep in Ray’s arms, and the baby was safe in Colleen’s.

Ray put Ben in his blanket and took the baby outside with Colleen.

“What are we going to do?” Colleen spoke softly. “The child can’t stay with us. We’re going to be caught.


“I don’t know,” Ray said. “But I don’t think Ben’s lying.”




“WHERE IS SHE?!” Ben yelled when he woke up out of the blue.

“She’s here, Ben,” Colleen told him as he ran forward.

“Ben, let’s do something real. What did they do, Franklins?” Ray inquired.

Ben choked out, “They hit me with a belt and filmed it.”

Colleen’s eyes got very big with shock. Ray asked Ben if he had told Campbell’s wife.

“No, but she should know.” Ben said, “She keeps putting kids with them.”


After some thought, Ray said, “Okay… okay…” We’re not going to put her back.”




Colleen concurred. “But Ben, we can’t keep her a secret. I know someone else who works for Mrs. Campbell. Colleen put Ben back to bed and said, “We can do something about this.” After that, Ray called Alana, who works for DCFS. “Sorry I called you late, Alana. We are in a tough spot…

Alana heard Ben’s story at their house. “Do you think Ben is lying?” Ray inquired.

“I don’t think so,” Alana said. “When kids are in trouble, they hide the truth. He told you that, which means he believes in you.

Alana said she thought something wasn’t right with the Franklins. “Children get moved around from their house frequently.”

“What should we do about the baby then?” Colleen inquired.

Alana decided, “I’ll let you be her foster parents for a short time.” “I’ll have to hide it. But that’s the matter. Do not tell anyone. Please let me know if Mrs. Campbell calls you or does anything else.

Colleen and Ray decided to keep Ben and the baby safe and not tell anyone about what was going on.

Things were quiet for a few days after that until Colleen’s phone rang. When she saw the name Mrs. Campbell, she stopped moving. She went outside to answer, but she was nervous because Ben was home.


“Mrs. Ferguson, how are you?” Mrs. Campbell said hello.

“I’m fine. Colleen talked too much, hoping to stop the call quickly. “Ben’s adjusting well.”

The caller said, “I’m calling about something else.” “Did Ben say anything about his foster parents?”

Colleen told her, “No, he doesn’t talk about his past,” to take her mind off of it. “I was thinking he might need therapy.”

“I don’t think that’s necessary,” Mrs. Campbell said, her voice tense. “But if he tells you something odd, please call me.”

“Is there something I should know about his foster parents?” Colleen pushed. That wasn’t smart of her!

“Nothing,” she said. I have to leave because I’m busy. Mrs. Campbell quickly said.

Ben cut Colleen off right then. “Mom, the baby is trashing around!”

When Ben called Colleen “Mom,” her heart jumped with joy. She quickly stopped the call, but fear then took over her heart. Mrs. Campbell might have heard them and thought she knew about the Franklins. Following that, Mrs. Campbell called her several times, but Colleen did not answer.

“I think I got too proud. But I thought she was hiding something and wasn’t being very quiet…” That night, she told Ray everything about the call.

Ray breathed out. “That was wrong of you. We were better off than she and those scumbags.

Colleen said, “I know, but I already called Alana.” “She said not to worry because they’ll find out eventually.”

“Did she tell you the baby’s name?” Ray inquired.

“No, she’s still ‘baby girl,’” Colleen answered.

Ray chose to stay home tomorrow, just in case. “The child must stay in.” We need to act like she’s not here.

Ray got ready to pick up Ben from school the next day. A truck roared down the street and stopped near their house as he was leaving. The driver looked at Ray, then drove off very quickly.

“HEY!” Ray yelled in anger. He wasn’t sure who it was, but Ray knew for sure. He tried to catch it but lost it on a dirt road. When he got home, he was filled with fear for the safety of his family.

“Alana, this can’t go on. He was outside our house,” Ray told her quickly when she came over what had happened.

“You don’t know if that was Mr. Franklin,” Alana told her. “I’m close to finding concrete evidence, so we can call the police for real and stop this.”

“We must have it now. “We’re in danger,” Ray said.

“I’m going to call my mom,” Colleen said. “We’ll move into her house while Alana investigates.”

Alana also said, “I’ve seen that the Franklins’ kids often move out.” I found an adult who used to be with them. I’m ready for his call.”

Suddenly, there was a loud banging and yelling that stopped them. The Franklins and Mrs. Campbell were seen by Ray through the living room window.

“It’s them,” Ray whispered, his face changing to look serious.

Colleen picked up her phone. She yelled, “I’m calling the police!”

Ray let them in. “What are you?” “Dare you to knock on my door?”

Along with the Franklins, Mrs. Campbell made a threat: “You know me, Mr. Ferguson!” If you don’t let us in to get that baby, I’ll take your son!”

Ray replied, “You wouldn’t dare! Not after what we know about you!”

As Mrs. Campbell fell, Alana stepped forward. Cindy, you are the only one making threats here. You should leave before we call the cops!”

“We’re taking that baby!” Mrs. Franklin yelled in anger.

“That’d be a crime!” Alana gave a sigh. “I’ve made the Fergusons her foster parents legally.”

“You had no right!” Mrs. Campbell got angry.

“I did. “And I’ve started an investigation against you,” Alana replied.

Mr. Franklin charged at Alana out of anger, but Ray stopped him. Colleen tried to call 911 while everything was going crazy, but Mrs. Franklin slapped the phone away.

“YOU’RE NOT GOING TO CALL ANYONE!” Please give us the baby right now!” Mrs. Franklin made a threat, and Colleen could feel the chill in her spine. Mrs. Franklin was a terrible person who beat kids and recorded them on video.

Coollen’s hands clenched into fists for the first time ever, and she swung them hard at the terrible woman. At the same time, Mrs. Campbell and Alana got into a fight while Ben watched from his room.

“BEN, GIVE US THE BABY!” The Franklins screamed.

“Close and lock your door, Ben!” Colleen screamed. Ben did what he was told and shut his door.

Ray, on the other hand, was able to kick Mr. Franklin out of the house and soon after kicked Mrs. Franklin and Mrs. Campbell out too.

“I will report you for assault!” Mrs. Campbell made a threat.

“We will report you for trespassing!” Colleen replied with a yell.

“I’ve already called the cops!!” When they heard a new voice, they all turned to look at the driveway. Sarah and Andrew, Colleen and Ray’s neighbors, were looking blankly.

Ray said, “Thanks, Andrew,” but he was breathing hard.

Mrs. Campbell gave a grin. “Good! I can now tell the police that I took you hostage. I know almost everyone in the department! Only you three are going to jail!” She made threats.

Soon after, the cops showed up. Officer Carson seemed to be interested in Mrs. Campbell’s story because he knew her.

“Stop!” Alana spoke up and told the police officer her name. “I work as a social worker too.” And after hearing some things from the child the Fergusons adopted, I gave them care of the baby. It is now real. I have the papers inside.” She ran into the house quickly.

“LIES!” Mrs. Franklin also said.

“Officer, our adopted son told us upsetting things about his old foster home,” Ray said as he told the officer about the insult Ben received. Also, he agreed that Ben had snuck out and taken the baby from the Franklins. “Our son was wrong for that, but his intentions were pure.”

Alana came out with the papers. She gave the papers to the police officers and said, “Officers, please take a look.”

“Those papers don’t give you permission to take our baby! What they did to attack us just now!” Mr. Franklin objected and pointed to his hurt lip.

Mrs. Campbell said, “Yes, it doesn’t matter what those documents say,” ignoring the papers that the police were looking at. “What the Fergusons did was wrong. It is kidnapping and violence under state law.

Colleen was very angry and was staring at Mrs. Campbell. She said in a low voice, “I can’t believe you.”

All of a sudden, young Ben jumped in and picked up the baby. “I took the child!” I’m going to jail, but you can’t send any other kids there!”

“Kid, give the baby to Mrs. Campbell,” Officer Carson told the child.

“NEVER!” Ben spoke out. “Mr. Franklin beat me while Mrs. Franklin went on the record!” He pointed at Mrs. Campbell and Mr. Franklin and said, “They showed me videos.” “Some boys were getting hurt by Mr. Franklin.” Really awful stuff. He did have his—” The boy pointed to the area under his pants, and several people let out large breaths.

Colleen and Ray were shocked.

“He’s misunderstood,” Mrs. Campbell said, shaking her head as she tried to change the subject.

“Do you think he’s lying?” Alan was asked by Officer Tristan.

Alana told Mrs. Campbell, “I don’t,” by shaking her head. “I have proof of their irregular foster placements.”

“They are making accusations that aren’t true!” I’m going to sue you!” Mr. Franklin made threats.

“Don’t you dare threaten anyone here, you pervert,” he said. “You, your ugly wife, and this awful woman have hurt many kids. You’ll spend a long time in jail for this.” Police, check out their house. Most likely, they have the files.

“Your address is right here in this paper, right?” “Let’s leave now.” Officer Tristan started to walk to his car, but he didn’t get very far.

“NO!” Mr. Franklin yelled and slammed the police officer to the ground. The other police officers ran to help their partner.

Officer Tristan stood up and wiped his hands. “Well, Mr. Franklin, you just hit a police officer,” he said. “You’re under arrest.”

Officer Carson then chose to include Mrs. Franklin and Mrs. Campbell in the probe. He said, “If you’re innocent, you have nothing to fear,” which meant they would also be looked into.

Ben broke down in tears as everyone left, and Colleen and Ray helped him feel better. “Ben, you were so brave. Colleen said as she held both kids close, “You may have saved so many other kids.”

Alana called Ray and Colleen the next day to let them know what was going on. “The kid, Colin, stepped forward. Told the police everything they needed to know about the Franklins. Their house is being searched right now. Mr. Franklin is still being held. Cindy went away. If she runs away, though, that will only make things worse for her.

“What about the baby girl’s name?” asked Colleen all of a sudden.

“It’s Grace,” Alana said. “If you want, I can help you adopt her.”

Colleen and Ray looked at each other and agreed right away.

Later, police found proof that pointed the finger at Franklin’s house, including videos of Mrs. Campbell. Because of this, the Franklins and Mrs. Campbell were charged with abuse and other serious crimes. Colleen, Ray, Ben, and Grace, on the other hand, started over.

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