Why I Never Tell My Children to Stop Crying

Parenting is always a divisive topic. Every generation thinks it has found the trick to child-rearing, and every new parent vows to avoid the mistakes their own parents made in raising them. Attitudes towards discipline, attachment, nutrition, education, and play are constantly evolving, but one thing that never seems to change is the idea that crying is… Continue reading Why I Never Tell My Children to Stop Crying

Understanding the Iceberg Theory of Behavior

The iceberg theory is a frequently cited model of behavior which states that a person’s behavior can only be properly understood in the context of the factors that caused it. What a person does is “the tip of the iceberg”– what we don’t see are the emotional, social, cultural, and other factors that lie beneath the… Continue reading Understanding the Iceberg Theory of Behavior

How Retreating into Fantasy Can Help You Deal with Reality

We’re taught that playing make-believe is for children — that as adults, our feet should be firmly rooted in reality. But when dealing with reality becomes too much to handle, a little foray into childish fantasy can be incredibly comforting and very beneficial for our mental health. Dealing with Reality Can Be Exhausting When I had my first daughter,… Continue reading How Retreating into Fantasy Can Help You Deal with Reality

How Long Should My Postpartum Depression Last?

You’ve been diagnosed with postpartum depression (PPD). You’ve started treatment, whether it be therapy, lifestyle changes, and/or medication. You read about one woman who had PPD and was better in a month, so you’re ready to tackle this and “return to normal” in a few weeks, right? Not so fast. How long “should” PPD last? Postpartum Depression… Continue reading How Long Should My Postpartum Depression Last?

In Defence of ‘Ghosting’ for Your Mental Health and Safety

“Ghosting” is the act of abruptly cutting off all contact with another person without warning, of disappearing from their life without explanation and without a trace. It has been characterized as a cruel and cowardly practice that has a devastating impact on the “ghostee,” but I would counter that in some cases, ghosting is the only way to… Continue reading In Defence of ‘Ghosting’ for Your Mental Health and Safety

Recognizing Early Symptoms of Depression Relapse

Depression relapses happen. This is a truth that everyone in depression recovery must accept. But not all relapses are created equal, and there are things you can do to mitigate or even pre-empt a relapse before it becomes a mental health crisis. The key is learning how to recognize the earliest symptoms of depression relapse and treating them… Continue reading Recognizing Early Symptoms of Depression Relapse

Natural Methods to Treat Postpartum Depression

When you’re going through postpartum depression, it can feel like you’re lost. It’s as if you’re seeking mental health through an endless maze of treatment, setbacks, and obstacles. Knowing how to treat your postpartum depression is a big step. When it comes to treatment, I firmly believe in using everything at your disposal. I am all… Continue reading Natural Methods to Treat Postpartum Depression

Tips For Getting Through the Worst Days

The title of this blog is “Coping with Depression.” In the past, I’ve used it to talk about ways to feel productive, beat procrastination, and improve relationships during a depressive episode. But the reality is that some days, “coping” just means surviving. So, in honor of World Suicide Prevention Month, I would like to offer some simple tips… Continue reading Tips For Getting Through the Worst Days

Finding the Right Therapist for Your Postpartum Depression

Talk therapy can be an integral part of treating postpartum depression, but it’s important to find the right therapist. It can be difficult to work through issues when you don’t feel comfortable talking with your therapist. Worse, you may come away feeling hopeless or want to give up on therapy altogether. Use the following tips to help you… Continue reading Finding the Right Therapist for Your Postpartum Depression

Writing About ADHD Is Therapeutic

I don’t often plan these blog posts ahead of time. Normally, I just sit down a couple of hours before posting, open Docs, and have a think about what aspect of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) I’m going to write about that day. This system isn’t a function of poor task management (with which I have plenty of experience);… Continue reading Writing About ADHD Is Therapeutic