What Can Happen to Your Body When You Eat Gingerbread Cookies

We’re getting closer to Christmas and nearly every bakery is offering a delicious seasonal treat — crunchy, mouth-watering gingerbread cookies. If you waited the whole year to finally try them, we have good news for you. Gingerbread cookies contain lots of healthy spices, such as cloves, cinnamon, and ginger, and if you enjoy them in moderation, they can actually benefit your health in many surprising ways. We at Bright… Continue reading What Can Happen to Your Body When You Eat Gingerbread Cookies

15 Healthy Habits That Can Actually Put Your Health at Risk

Eating wholesome foods, hitting the gym regularly, and catching up on sleep you’ve been deprived of for some reason — all this sound healthy enough, but there’s always a catch when health is concerned. Any of your good habits can turn against you if you don’t know what’s really right for you. We at Bright Side brought you some healthy habits that can actually backfire… Continue reading 15 Healthy Habits That Can Actually Put Your Health at Risk

My Female Friend Takes Care of My Healthy Husband While I’m Sick and I’m Jealous

True friends are worth more than gold. However, life is a rollercoaster, and our friends sometimes turn into our foes. Our reader is confused because her friend’s intentions are unclear. On the one hand, she helps her around the house. On the other, she has been doing it only for our reader’s husband. One of our readers asked us for help. Thanks for… Continue reading My Female Friend Takes Care of My Healthy Husband While I’m Sick and I’m Jealous

8 Hacks for Parents to Get Their Children to Eat Healthy Food

The number of obese children worldwide is expected to reach 250 million by 2030, and everyone knows how difficult it can be to get kids to eat healthy food, especially if they’re picky eaters. Because of that, little tricks like these can come in very handy. The Bright Side team encourages you to try these hacks and let us know how useful they were for you. 1. Make… Continue reading 8 Hacks for Parents to Get Their Children to Eat Healthy Food

10 Rules of Healthy Eating You Should Forget About Completely

Those who care about their bodies often try substituting harmful foods with healthy ones. But in a number of cases, the replacement doesn’t lead us anywhere close to healthy eating. Bright Side has compiled a list of rules that you would do better to ignore if you want to eat ’clean’ food. A carton of apple juice is a healthy substitute for a Coke Apple juice seems so innocent that we easily believe… Continue reading 10 Rules of Healthy Eating You Should Forget About Completely

I’ve Spent 5 Years Trying to Repair My Damaged Hair, and Now I’ll Share What Really Helped Me

“Once I had beautiful, healthy hair, but now it doesn’t grow, falls out, and looks damaged…” Does this situation ring a bell with you? I’ve already faced this problem as a teenager. I’ve spent a lot of time trying to repair it, using many methods. But finally, I’ve found a solution. Bright Side’s author wants to share her hair repair story and hopes that it’ll help… Continue reading I’ve Spent 5 Years Trying to Repair My Damaged Hair, and Now I’ll Share What Really Helped Me

7 Indian Tips to Keep You Young and Healthy

Nowadays, there are many ways to take care of your beauty and health, but Indian people try to find the core source of it all, which includes digestion issues, as problems with the stomach can lead to many different diseases, including skin problems and fast aging. We at Bright Side rounded up 7 Indian tips that can help you to stay young for longer and maintain your… Continue reading 7 Indian Tips to Keep You Young and Healthy

12 Things Parents Should Do to Raise Emotionally Healthy Children

Being a parent is no simple task; it often comes with its fair share of challenges. Navigating the journey requires perseverance and strategic thinking, as there is no one-size-fits-all manual to rely on. Sometimes, we encounter behaviors from our children that puzzle us, and our attempts to correct them can sometimes backfire, leading to frustration and exhaustion for both parents and children. 1. Understand the downside of their strengths Each… Continue reading 12 Things Parents Should Do to Raise Emotionally Healthy Children

25 Healthy Eating Tips Shared by Bright Side Readers That Are Too Good to Be Kept a Secret

The internet is a treasure trove of super-useful tips on basically any topic imaginable, including healthy eating. But when it comes to diet, there’s usually no ’’one-size-fits-all’’ advice. There’s a lot of trial and error, but discovering what works for you when it comes to eating habits can do wonders for your health and well-being. We at Bright Side asked our readers to share nutrition tips that made a difference… Continue reading 25 Healthy Eating Tips Shared by Bright Side Readers That Are Too Good to Be Kept a Secret

14 Habits to Help You Stay Healthy and Attractive With Minimal Effort

You can find a million tips on the internet about how to stay healthy and attractive: count calories, do a lot of sports, eat less, and so on. But scientists have a different point of view. Here are 14 scientifically proven tips to help you stay healthy with the least amount of effort. We at Bright Side have collected some less obvious pieces of advice to help you keep your body… Continue reading 14 Habits to Help You Stay Healthy and Attractive With Minimal Effort