Why It’s Better to Change Clothes as Soon as You Get Home

When you finally come back home after a busy day at work, you’re often so exhausted you simply have no energy to change your clothes. You cook dinner, do the dishes, and put your kids to bed while wearing the same jeans and sweatshirt you put on in the morning. But it turns out, this habit isn’t that harmless after all, and eventually it may mess… Continue reading Why It’s Better to Change Clothes as Soon as You Get Home

15 Tattoos From a Korean Artist, Nonlee, That’ll Make Your Inner Beauty-Lover Rejoice

Every once in a while, when various tattoos show up in your Instagram feed, they can really make an impression. And the work of South Korean tattooist Nonlee may do just that. This woman has just started her work in the tattooing industry, but she already has a profile that makes over 150,000 people come back again and again. She uses intricate lines, precise… Continue reading 15 Tattoos From a Korean Artist, Nonlee, That’ll Make Your Inner Beauty-Lover Rejoice

An Artist Creates Exquisite Tattoos Exhibiting the Charm of Korean Motifs

Korean traditional motifs are renowned for their beauty, intricacy, and symbolism. An artist named Sion Kwak has incorporated traditional motifs into her refined body art designs. Sion’s keen interest lies in work that captures the essence of traditional Korean motifs, particularly those that use traditional knots. Her passion for promoting the value of tattoos and Korean culture has prompted… Continue reading An Artist Creates Exquisite Tattoos Exhibiting the Charm of Korean Motifs

9 Body Features That Women of the 21st Century Should Stop Feeling Insecure About

According to statistics, 85% of people worldwide have low self-esteem. The experiment conducted by Dove has proven this to be true. An artist was asked to paint 2 portraits of the same woman: the first one according to her description of herself and the other one according to her description by a stranger. Eventually, the portrait revealed that the woman’s own description turned out less attractive than the other.… Continue reading 9 Body Features That Women of the 21st Century Should Stop Feeling Insecure About

6 Traits That You Can Only Inherit From Your Father

In biology class, we learned that we inherit 50% of our DNA from our mothers and 50% from our fathers. This biological fact, however, does not mean that each parent passes on an equal amount of physical characteristics and genetic characteristics to their child. In fact, children are 60% more likely to inherit active traits from their fathers simply because nature prefers to express those genes. Bright Side has… Continue reading 6 Traits That You Can Only Inherit From Your Father