Why You Need to Only Wash 3 Body Parts, According to a Study

Some find that a shower in the morning serves as a way to freshen up and start the day, while others see a shower at night as a way to relax and unwind. However, science doesn’t agree with this practice. In fact, dermatologist Sandy Skotnicki, MD. recommends showering less regularly and only washing 3 body parts. The Bright Side team gathered information about this science-approved bathing method to share… Continue reading Why You Need to Only Wash 3 Body Parts, According to a Study

What Those Little White Bumps on Your Skin Are, and What to Do About Them

40%-50% of newborn babies have little white bumps on their faces. Sometimes these pimples stay with us until adulthood. The good news is it’s perfectly normal to have them. Just for you, we’ve gathered everything in one place, so there’s no need to frantically surf the web for answers. Bright Side is giving you a quick explanation and, hopefully, relieving your worries once and for all.… Continue reading What Those Little White Bumps on Your Skin Are, and What to Do About Them

7 Surprising Habits That Keep You From Getting a Good Night’s Sleep

Although a poor night’s sleep can affect your health, your looks, and your overall quality of life, 35% of adults sleep less than 7 hours per night. While worries and stress can mess with your brain and add up to restless nights, there are some daily habits we can work on in order to get better sleep. We at Bright Side did some research to find out which… Continue reading 7 Surprising Habits That Keep You From Getting a Good Night’s Sleep

6 Traits That You Can Only Inherit From Your Father

In biology class, we learned that we inherit 50% of our DNA from our mothers and 50% from our fathers. This biological fact, however, does not mean that each parent passes on an equal amount of physical characteristics and genetic characteristics to their child. In fact, children are 60% more likely to inherit active traits from their fathers simply because nature prefers to express those genes. Bright Side has… Continue reading 6 Traits That You Can Only Inherit From Your Father