Writing About ADHD Is Therapeutic

I don’t often plan these blog posts ahead of time. Normally, I just sit down a couple of hours before posting, open Docs, and have a think about what aspect of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) I’m going to write about that day.

This system isn’t a function of poor task management (with which I have plenty of experience); it’s simply the right strategy for this piece of writing.

Here, I’m just shooting from the hip. There’s no need to research how I’ve lived my life with ADHD; I can just pluck examples at will.

I Write About ADHD Much More Than I Talk About It

I like writing in this off-the-cuff manner for a couple of reasons. First, I like it because it’s therapeutic. Second, I like writing this way because I rarely talk about ADHD outside of this blog. Now that the worst ADHD symptoms are under control, there isn’t much to say to my family, friends, or partner.

However, the journey from hell to well is littered with impulsivity, substance abuse, frustration, and a slew of other maladies that random strangers, chancing upon this blog in search of a kindred spirit, might read about and find themselves nodding in agreement with.

So, while it does me no good to rehash old ADHD trials with family and friends, it may do someone, somewhere, some good if I write about the nasty aspects of ADHD. If a blog post helps someone get a step closer to a diagnosis or even just gain familiarity with common aspects of ADHD, then it’s worthwhile.

Writing About ADHD May Help You

If I can get some catharsis from writing about ADHD, there’s no reason you can’t. Like me, you could load up the word processor of your choice and see what comes out. It’s surprising how automatic journaling feels, preconscious tadpoles bubbling just under the surface, ready to land in their thousands on the white page once you start typing.

Or, go old-school: a pencil and paper are much more intimate tools than a word processor. Plus, there’s something magical about physically writing something down as opposed to typing it out.

Either way, journaling about ADHD–and journaling in general–is a great way to manage your feelings. As mentioned, you may surprise yourself when you sit down to write about troublesome aspects of your life. Don’t get hung up on style and structure, especially if you’re the only reader. Remember, the act of writing things down is the most important part of the exercise, not how it looks.

Do you write to help your ADHD? Let me know in the comments.

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